Painless Tooth Extractions

​​In the unfortunate event that a tooth needs to be extracted, you are in good hands at Celebrity Smiles.  When a tooth is severely damaged, or is trapped within the jawbone beneath the gums, tooth extraction may be required.  Generally, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area surrounding the tooth.  We offer oral sedation to minimize anxiety and pain.

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Wisdom Teeth Extractions

At Southwest Celebrity Smiles in El Paso, we can treat problems related to your third molars, more commonly called wisdom teeth.  Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to develop and usually appear in the late teens or early 20s.  They often lack the proper space in the jaw to erupt fully or even at all.  When there is not enough space for a wisdom tooth to erupt, this common condition is called impaction.  Impacted wisdom teeth can be extremely painful and if left untreated, can cause damage to neighboring teeth.

Painless Tooth Extraction in El Paso, TX

Getting Ready for a Tooth Extraction

Make sure to let our dentist know of any medical conditions, flu or cold symptoms, allergies, or medications you may have or be taking. It’s also important to follow the doctor’s instructions about fasting before oral surgery. Get to your appointment early. Being there in time for the dentist’s scheduled appointment will prevent anxiety and allow your dentist the proper time to set up for your extraction.

After Oral Surgery

Avoid brushing or playing with the area where the surgery took place. If stitches were used this will help prevent unnecessary bleeding or removal of your stitches. Be sure that you are only eating soft foods that will not disturb the affected area and do not eat or drink anything hot. The sedative may not have worn off yet, and burning your mouth is the last thing you will need after oral surgery.

Schedule a Tooth Extraction Today!

Call us today at 915-595-3333 to schedule an appointment or visit our contact pg. Our doctors and staff are ready to help you through a tooth extraction in El Paso, TX. Come in and find out why Celebrity Smiles is the best dentist in El Paso!

Getting Your Tooth Pulled? Here are 5 Tips for Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is primarily performed by an oral surgeon, general dentist, or periodontist. Our dentists and staff at Celebrity Smiles are highly skilled and experienced in performing dental extractions.  The best option for everyone is to keep their natural teeth.

An extraction may need to be performed if there is excessive tooth decay, trauma, infection, or crowding. But rest assured, a tooth extraction will always be the last option. Our staff will diligently work to save your natural teeth.

Tooth extraction is primarily performed by an oral surgeon, general dentist, or periodontist.

Why Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

There can be many reasons for a tooth needing to be removed. Oftentimes an extraction is necessary just to keep the rest of your teeth and gums healthy so that your oral health is not compromised. Reasons to remove your tooth may include one or all of the following:

Severe Tooth Trauma

When an accident happens and the patient requires dental treatment, the first option is always to preserve their natural teeth. Treatments such as dental bonding, crowns, bridges, or veneers may be recommended. However, if the dental issue is severe, tooth extraction may be required.

Severe Tooth Decay

Severe tooth decay occurs when decay from plaque and tartar build-up reaches the center of the tooth which is the pulp.  The bacteria produced by the decay can destroy the pulp and cause an infection. Infection of the pulp will lead to many different oral health conditions including severe pain, gum infections, and periodontal disease.

Periodontal Disease

Your gums can become infected when bacteria get in between your gums and your teeth. As a result, they may become swollen, painful, and start to bleed.  This early stage is referred to as gingivitis and can typically be treated by simply removing the bacteria and performing a deep cleaning.

For more severe periodontal disease, however, it can cause your gums to start to recede and pockets to be created in your gum tissue. Bacteria can gather in these pockets and spread from the gums into your bone structure, which will eventually make your teeth and jawbone weaker. The extraction will prevent the further spread of periodontal disease.

Impacted or Overcrowded Teeth

Our orthodontist will only recommend a tooth extraction when it is truly necessary, either to relieve pain, improve function, or allow successful Invisalign treatment. Overcrowding happens when there’s no more space for your teeth to grow in proper alignment. Impacted teeth usually occur when wisdom teeth come in and begin to grow sideways into existing teeth, making it uncomfortable to chew or causing pain.

Preparation for Your Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are simple procedures that are performed daily by our dentist in El Paso, TX. Before you undergo an extraction, we will cover the procedural steps with you so that you will know what to expect. You will also have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you like about the extraction before treatment. The procedure will be done with a local anesthetic, so you may inquire whether or not you should eat much beforehand if you are not already notified.

If you have developed any new infections or mouth sores, notify our office immediately so that we can make sure to treat the situation. If you are having your wisdom teeth removed, the procedure will be more complex because the teeth usually haven’t erupted through the gumline yet. You also may not be able to eat anything for 12 hours before the procedure so that food does not interfere with the anesthesia or make you nauseous.

Pain Control

Generally, all that you will need following your surgery for pain control are over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen. Our dentist will determine which medications for you to use depending on your situation. It will be important to stay on the schedule of medication provided by our staff in the first few days following your surgery. Getting behind on medication may result in unnecessary pain.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Aftercare for an extracted tooth can vary depending on a few factors such as which tooth was extracted, how deep the root is, and how long it will take to heal. For most people, any discomfort will subside after about 3 days. Maintaining the blood clot that forms in the socket is key to the healing process. So following our doctor’s orders will be vital.

The first 2 days of care will be the most crucial and will involve plenty of rest, replacing the gauze on the exposed socket, avoiding rinsing, a medication regimen, using a cold press, etc. You will be given a list of instructions by our dental staff that will explain all of your post-extraction aftercare.

Tooth Replacement Options

Missing teeth can cause several oral health problems such as not being able to properly chew, speak, or even smile. A missing tooth will change your bite, cause your jawbone to recede, and may also result in looking older. While a dental implant is usually the best option for tooth replacement, that dentist might also suggest a dental bridge, partial or full dentures, or bone graft.

Schedule a Tooth Extraction Consultation!

Call us today at 915.595.3333, or visit our Contact Us page to send a message. Our staff is professional and patient. We can answer any questions you have about tooth extraction, dental insurance, or financing options we have available to all of our patients in the El Paso region. Call today!

Do I need a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is usually the last option for a severely decayed or broken tooth. That’s why our friendly staff at Celebrity Smiles in El Paso, TX will first consider other tooth restoration options such as root canals, crowns, or fillings.

Removing Tooth Decay that Affects Your Oral Health

A decayed tooth will normally be treated by removing the decayed area of the tooth and replacing it with a filling or a crown. However, if the tooth decay is extensive the dentist may suggest removing the tooth before the decay spreads to the healthy area of your jaw and other teeth. This way the dentist can remove all decay that will eventually lead to periodontal disease and bone loss.

Broken Tooth?

Teeth are pretty strong but sometimes can break due to a severe blow or trauma to the mouth. When this happens bacteria can build up in the broken or cracked area of the tooth eventually leading to tooth decay. In some cases, we may be able to restore the tooth with a crown or root canal therapy. If the fracture extends to the root of the tooth, however, the tooth will not be able to be saved.

Orthodontic Reasons

In some cases, the doctor may recommend tooth extraction for orthodontic reasons such as being fitted for braces or Invisalign treatment. If your teeth are experiencing crowding, teeth may need to be extracted to ensure successful orthodontic treatment.

Schedule a Tooth Extraction Consultation Today!

Come in or call us today at 915.595.3333. Our staff is professional and patient so we can answer all of your questions about tooth extraction. You can also schedule an appointment by visiting our Contact Us page and filling out the form. We can’t wait to see your brand-new smile!

Learn more about tooth extractions!

Don’t take our word for it, read what our patients say:

“The staff is amazing and really accommodating. Ashley did an excellent job placing my bridge and helping dr with my tooth extraction. Jessica did an awesome job helping me schedule my appointment and making sure I have all my documents ready. Definitely will recommend to friends and family.”
Isaiah M
El Paso, TX

9515 Gateway Blvd W
Suite B
El Paso, TX 79925

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(915) 595-3333

Monday – Friday
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
9:00 AM-2:00 PM
Sundays Closed

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Southwest Celebrity Smiles is your dedicated Dentist in El Paso, offering top-quality dental care tailored to prioritize your oral health and well-being. Whether you need routine check-ups, cosmetic treatments, or restorative procedures, our experienced team is here to provide personalized solutions for your unique dental needs.

For reliable dental services in El Paso, contact Southwest Celebrity Smiles by filling out the form below. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you in scheduling your appointment at our modern facility, where your comfort and satisfaction are our main focus.
